Trump Drops Bombshell About Next 9/11… Obama Incredibly Irate

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said it would take another 9/11 to wake up border security — and predicted refugees would plan the next attack.

“Bad things will happen. A lot of bad things will happen,” Trump said on the National Border Patrol Council’s “The Green Line” radio show, BuzzFeed News reported.

“There will be attacks that you wouldn’t believe,” Trump said. “There will be attacks by the people that are, right now, that are coming into our country, because — I have no doubt in my mind.”

He said refugees shouldn’t be coming into this country and that he would be strict and vigilant about refugees if elected.

“Our country has enough difficulty right now without letting the Syrians pour in, and again, we don’t know that they’re Syrians. We don’t know where they come from; we have no idea. They could be ISIS. They could be who knows, but we’re going to stop that immediately,” he said.

He claimed that people coming into the country have cell phones with flags of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS), suggesting refugees are being financially supported by the terrorist group.

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