WHAT?! High Percentage Of Refugees Test Positive For THIS! We’re All In Danger…

Numbers this large are truly frightening… How do you thing the Government will respond?

This has been in the news for a while and now it appears to be getting worse!

A whole 20 percent of all refugees who were relocated in Minnesota tested positive for tuberculosis, adding another crinkle to the argument that America should swing wide its doors to all comers. That argument is, and always has been completely ridiculous. Find out what states are at high risk.

While only about 4 percent of Americans have tested positive for “latent tuberculosis,” that number is five times greater in immigrants who are resettled here, according to the Minnesota Department of Health.

Minnesota had 150 cases of TB in 2015, compared to 147 cases in 2014 (a 2 percent increase). The most common risk factor for TB cases in Minnesota is being from a country where TB is common.

TB screening is offered to all refugees during the domestic refugee health exam.

In 2014, 22 percent of refugees screened tested positive for LTBI (latent tuberculosis infection).

More than one-quarter of all foreign-born TB cases are from Somali-born refugees, Breitbart is reporting.

Over the last 30 years, the United States has granted refugee status to about 70,000 people every year.

Refugees aren’t just coming over with TB either. In Memphis, a measles outbreak began at a mosque in Memphis, Tennessee – traced back to the local refugee resettlement center.

The alarming public health report from Minnesota comes on the heels of news from the Centers for Disease Control that in 2015, the incidence of tuberculosis in the United States increased.

“Data from 2015 show that the number of TB cases has increased (by 1.7 percent) nationally [in the United States] for the first time in 23 years, with a total of 9,563 TB cases reported,” the Minnesota Department of Health reports.

Four states are responsible for more than half the nation’s active TB cases: California, New York, Texas and Florida – all popular resettlement states.

If you give a mouse a muffin…and no, I’m not referring to the migrants that are here. They really are not to blame for this mess. Now hear me out before you get the torches and pitchforks. Let me dive into the issue that is connected to this problem, but is much deeper rooted.

I’m talking about our elected officials, and their lobbyists friends in CAIR, and other various activist groups in Washington, and also our seemingly inability to elect principled people who’s love of Country is paramount in their duties. The refugees have NO power over the American people, and they have no influence over them either. Only what Obama and his ilk allow them to have, and what the supposed conservative Republican party allow Obama to get away with. What have we done as a nation to ensure that our will is represented in congress? Nothing. We have time, and time again elected wastes of skin, and go-along-to-get-along phony conservatives that couldn’t care less about the American people. We have been lied to, yes. But when are we going to shoot for a bit of wisdom and discernment when choosing our champions? Where are the true patriots?

H/T to IHaveTheTruth