40+ House Republicans Traitors JOIN Democrats In Support Of Obama’s Transgender Executive Order

In a reversal from last week, 43 House Republicans joined forces with Democrats in passing an LGBT measure, thereby putting their stamp of approval on a 2014 Obama executive order. How long will we let these politicians betray the American people this way before we stand up and do something. We all just allow this to continue. It must be stopped!

As reported by Western Journalism, last Thursday an amendment offered by Rep. Sean Maloney, D-N.Y., fell one vote short of passage 212-213, after the Republican leadership held the vote open for several minutes in order, reportedly, to convince a few members to change their vote.

In one of his multiple executive orders regarding LGBT rights, President Obama last spring barred federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT workers.

The Maloney amendment took out language placed by Republicans in the National Defense Authorization Act granting a religious liberty exception for federal contractors to Obama’s executive order. In other words, if employers have sincerely held religious beliefs regarding LGBT matters, they could not be excluded from obtaining federal contracts.

Democrats, upset at the changed votes by some Republican members last Thursday without following normal practice, began chanting, “Shame! Shame! Shame!”

In that vote, 29 Republicans joined Democrats in seeking to uphold Obama’s LBGT executive order, without the religious liberty exception. Wednesday night, 14 more joined the Democrats, meaning the Maloney amendment passed, 223-195, as part of the Energy & Water Appropriations Bill

Less than 24 hours later, however, the bill to which the Maloney amendment was attached was soundly defeated, 112-305. Only six Democrats supported the Energy & Water Appropriations Bill.

Everything is mixed up. It’s like we live in Bizzaro Land, what do you think?