US Special Ops Shut Down Downtown Tampa In Bizarre Raid Scenario Involving Pirates…

United States Special Operations Forces descended from buildings, jumped from a Black Hawk helicopter and fired shots as they ambushed downtown Tampa, Florida, where ‘pirates’ had ‘captured’ the mayor. The stunt even took place in broad daylight.

The rescue effort on was to test readiness in a crisis situation by carrying out a 30-minute drill exercise during the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in the central Florida city Wednesday.

“To come here and showcase frankly was a little easier. It was daylight. Everything was on our terms, good weather, no bad guys; the manatees didn’t interfere, no lightning, but the interoperability was already,” Special Forces Lt. Col. Chris Robeshaw told reporters, according to WFLA.

Joining US Special Operations forces in the exercise were Navy SEALS, Marine Raiders and Army Green Berets, plus members from 15 other nations including Ireland and Jordan, many in make-up and disguises.

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