A group of companies and gun-rights advocates say Facebook is “actively suppressing their posts,” thereby diminishing their visibility in Americans’ social media networks.
“Content that would normally reach our nearly one million followers has steadily dropped to a fraction of what it once was, despite our page’s continual growth of new followers,” said a statement from Rob Russo, the social media manager for Alien Gear Holsters, one of the companies now pushing back against Facebook.
“We have over 700,000 likes on our Facebook page and tremendous reader response to our material,” said Concealed Nation publisher Brandon Curtis. “We didn’t change a thing about the way we post [but] in February our Facebook traffic fell off a cliff,” he said. “It sank by nearly 50 percent in that first month.”
Curtis said he contacted Facebook and was told his company’s page was “suppressed” due to “too much commercial content.”
USA Carry’s Luke McCoy saw his traffic take a sharp fall as well. McCoy said he “emailed the same [Facebook] account manager” and was told “people were claiming [USA Carry’s] content was overly promotional.”