Operation Mockingbird: Is The Government Brainwashing The American People?

For those who do not know, Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media.  Begun in the 1950s, it was initially organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles and was later led by Frank Wisner after Dulles became the head of the CIA.

The organization recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA’s views, and funded some student and cultural organizations, and magazines as fronts.

To people who knows what is going on, Operation Mockingbird is alive and well by the way of the internet.  It is interesting how the dissemination of information to the masses has quickly evolved so quickly over the past century.

Back when our country was established, information was first distributed by newspapers and pamphlets.  Besides word of mouth within a community, the newspaper was the main way the public was given information about current events, human tragedies, world wars, or whatever other affliction were plaguing society at the time.

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