Father Of Orlando Shooting Victim Utters One Sentence Liberals NEVER Wanted To Hear

The left always tries to spin everything on its head until in their own twisted minds it is the “right thing”. They use the LGBT community to further their own agenda and only point the spotlight on those that share their sentiments. Rarely will you hear the other side of the coin, and that’s exactly what happened when an Orlando victim’s father called into the Hannity Show to share his personal story.

According to Hannity.Com:

On Monday’s Sean Hannity Show, Sean received a surprising phone call from Mark Allen Bando, whose son was one of 49 killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting on Sunday morning. Bando, a retired Detroit Police officer who lives in Michigan, received confirmation of his son’s death on Monday.

“His mom talked to him on the phone that evening before he went to the club, so she knew he was going,” Bando said. “When she woke up Sunday morning and heard there’d been a massacre there, she went over there–she hadn’t heard from him so she feared the worst–and just today they finally told us that he was one of the victims that was killed at the scene. He never even made it to the hospital.”

Bando lamented the fact that so few Americans are arming themselves in order to prevent mass shootings like the one that occurred on Sunday morning.

“There is a simpler solution, as Donald Trump has said many times, if you have somebody shooting back the game’s over,” Bando said. “When the shooting started there wasn’t one person in there that wouldn’t have traded everything he owned in the world to have a loaded gun. But these people don’t realize it until they’re in a situation that’s far too late.”

Mark Allen’s son, an Orlando resident whom the grieving father described as “very gentle”, had just celebrated his 32nd birthday on June 1st.

“He lived down there and I lived up here and I never got a chance to teach him how to handle firearms,” Mr. Bando explained. “I think if we’d have lived in closer proximity, he would have become proficient. He probably would’ve gotten a [Concealed Pistol License] and carried a gun and that could’ve made a difference last night.”

Listen to Sean interview Mark Allen Bando, father of the victim of the Orlando nightclub attack:


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