Despite the recent onslaught of attacks from the Obama Administration timed strategically to coincide with his bid for re-election, Sheriff Joe Arpaio won the Maricopa County Republican primary on Tuesday with 66 percent of the vote.
He can now run for his seventh term in office this November, according to the Conservative Tribune.
Barack Obama’s Department of Justice has repeatedly accused Arpaio of engaging in racial profiling, and just two weeks ago, federal Judge G. Murray Snow recommended the sheriff be charged with criminal contempt for his alleged failure to implement anti-profiling measures.
“Sheriff Arpaio and Chief Deputy Sheridan have a history of obfuscation and subversion of this Court’s orders that is as old as this case and did not stop after they themselves became the subjects of civil contempt,” wrote Snow.
(See what I mean about those cleverly-timed attacks on the good sheriff’s character?)
Arpaio plans to fight to maintain his position and reputation as “America’s Sheriff,” and with Tuesday’s win under his belt, he is one step closer. Even while under investigation, and going up against three other challengers, he won by a huge margin.
Share this good news if you value the hard work of Joe Arpaio and law enforcement officers around the country whose jobs are only made harder by our contemptuous president!