Hillary Clinton held a major rally in Greensboro NC on September 15. As her adoring supporters hold up their cell phones to record Hillary coming to take the stage in front of them, notice that you never see the backdrop on the stage.
When Hillary walks by, she’s not picked up by her supporters cell phones. Why? Could it be possible that Hillary is not even there?
Besides her not appearing on the cell phones in the first row, did you catch the other dead giveaway? Just who is Hillary waving and pointing at when she turns to wave at her supporters?
She even appears to disintegrate. Does the media and her campaign think we are complete fools? I am not saying this is entirely true, but it seems odd. Who is she waving at? Could it be possible that a green screen was used to make it look like she was at a real rally? Americans need to share this evidence. Hillary is sick, she can barely hold herself up most of the time, so this makes sense…