ALLAH ADIOS! Muslim Migrants FINALLY Get Deported from US Under Trump Admin

President Trump has officially deported 90 Muslim migrants and that’s only the beginning.

Muslim migrants

During President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign promises of illegal deportation were made to which liberals swore the reality was impossible. Once again they have been proven wrong. Not only has President Trump increased border security in order to staunch the flow of income illegals, he is now actively deporting illegal immigrants and sending them back to their own country. Despite what the Democratic Party continues to say, this move isn’t against the entire Muslim population because of racism, it’s in the name of American protection and only includes ILLEGAL migrants.


It Begins… 90 Somalis, 2 Kenyans Deported From US After Trump Takes Office
Jim Hoft Jan 26th, 2017 9:09 am 332 Comments

A plane carrying 90 Somali nationals deported from the United States landed in Mogadishu airport this past week.

The plane landed around 5:20 PM.

Two Kenyans were also deported.

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