Ever since Donald Trump was elected the 45th President, Obama has been obsessed with bringing him down. Obama set up his shadow government only 3 miles away in his newly purchased home he uses as a headquarters to carry out his nefarious deeds. He has done everything in his power to retake power because he craves the power he once held.
The former POTUS has also been known to have an enormous ego. If there is one thing Obama loves more than stirring up racial tensions, it’s himself. It was completely impossible for Obama to give a speech without mentioning himself. If you go back and watch his speeches it won’t take long to see what I mean.
After eight years most people had enough and were more than happy to see Obama ride off into the sunset. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and Obama has been reemerging into the spotlight. Lately, he has been busy fundraising and traveling across the globe to meet with foreign diplomats in order to sabotage Trump and take back the power he once held.
As if that wasn’t enough, Obama is now dreaming about running for a third presidential term. He is even claiming that the public wants him to run again.
In a recent interview with David Axlerod, he spoke about Trump’s “victory fantasy,” cockily proclaiming that had he been the candidate to run against Trump, that he would’ve won a third term, hands down.
CNN reported:
“I am confident in this vision because I’m confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,” Obama told his former senior adviser David Axelrod in an interview for the “The Axe Files” podcast, produced by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics and CNN.
“I know that in conversations that I’ve had with people around the country, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards is the right one,” Obama said in the interview, which aired Monday.
But Obama’s delusions of grandeur are even more ludicrous than his wife’s fashion sense as he’d soon learn. Given the former president’s brazen claim,
Freedom Daily decided to ask ordinary Americans if they do in fact want Obama for a third term, and the responses were beyond hilarious.
“He’s absolutely right. The third term should be 20 years to life in GITMO.”
“I would rather gouge my eyes out with a taco bell spork covered in the contents of a taco bell restroom at a truck stop and proceed to **** myself with a cactus than see that socialist turd get a 3rd term.”
“I would rather have herpes, poison oak, crabs, smash my finger with a hammer, have lunch with the Antichrist, move into my parent’s house, and kiss a liberal!”
“I think he needs a life term.”
“He is back to smoking crack.”
“Those are not Americans that want him for a third term. They are terrorists, drug dealers, thugs, illegal aliens and liberal snowflakes.”
“We all knew what was going to happen the first 4 years….then we had a FIXED election for the next 4 years …A third term HELL NO !!!!!!!”
“OBAMA had a dream!!!…….to be the Saudi *** puppet!
“Obama pulls another bull**** ‘Americans want’ statement out of his a**.”
“He must’ve founded “Vanity” Magazine!”
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (gasp) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (gasp) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…no.”
“Obama needs to stop smoking crack in his dressing room.”
“Just threw up in my mouth.”
“Obama is as delusional as the rest of the Left. Eight years under the rule of a Communist Dictatorship is enough. The only jobs he created were for his comrades. It took six months and still Trump is pulling weeds planted by Obama. His health care plan is a disaster. There is nothing “affordable” about paying five times as much for less coverage than you had before.”
Obama is completely delusional if he thinks the American people want him for a third term. Sure there are those dumb enough to support him, but the majority of Americans realize how much chaos he caused already.