POLICE SHOCKED: Man Sold Infant Daughter to Buy iPhone

A Chinese man who apparently really wanted an iPhone sold his 18-day-old infant daughter on social media in order to get one, the Independent reports, citing local media.

The man and the baby’s mother were both 19 when they had the not-planned-for baby last year, and the man—identified only as “A Duan”—just recently turned himself in, the Epoch Times reports, also citing regional media.

The buyer read about the baby on popular Chinese social media platform QQ and bought her for his sister for $3,520. Police say Duan intended to use the money to buy an iPhone and a motorbike.

According to some reports, Duan sold the infant without the consent of her mother, who was devastated at the turn of events; the Metro, however, also citing local media, says she agreed to the sale.

Police found her and arrested her, and she told them she “really didn’t know that it was illegal” to sell your child, noting, “Many people in my hometown send their kids to other people to raise them.”

The judge ultimately gave her a suspended sentence of two and a half years, while Duan, after turning himself in, got three years in prison. As for the baby, the buyer’s sister still has her since her parents can’t raise her, and officials are reportedly considering what the “best course of action” is.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

Back in 2013, a young Chinese couple was arrested and charged with human trafficking charges after they illegally put their baby up for adoption online, accepted money for her … and then used that money to buy an iPhone and expensive shoes, among other things. It’s not clear how much the couple received, but AFP reported that online postings referred to $4,900 and $8,200.

In 2011, a Chinese teen sold a kidney for $3000 so he could buy an iPad 2.

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