President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani shot a giant hole into the Democrat delusions of impeachment.
No one has produced a crime that calls for it.
Even if they go with their new “crime.”
They failed at getting the president on collusion and obstruction of justice.
Now they are pinning their hopes on campaign finance violations for payments the president allegedly made to Stormy Daniels and a Playboy model.
“The President is not implicated in campaign finance violations because based on Edwards case and others the payments are not campaign contributions. No responsible prosecutor would premise a criminal case on a questionable interpretation of the law,” Giuliani wrote on Twitter on Saturday.
The President is not implicated in campaign finance violations because based on Edwards case and others the payments are not campaign contributions. No responsible prosecutor would premise a criminal case on a questionable interpretation of the law.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 8, 2018
He followed that on Sunday with another tweet.
“No collusion, no obstruction now campaign finance but payments to settle lawsuits are not clearly a proper campaign contribution or expenditure. No responsible lawyer would charge a debatable campaign finance violation as a crime…well maybe those suffering from TDD,” he said.
No collusion, no obstruction now campaign finance but payments to settle lawsuits are not clearly a proper campaign contribution or expenditure. No responsible lawyer would charge a debatable campaign finance violation as a crime…well maybe those suffering from TDD.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 9, 2018
That was likely meant to read TDS, the acronym for Trump Derangement Syndrome.
At any rate, the point remains that there was no crime here.
In fact, Democrat John Edwards did the exact same thing to hide his extramarital affair during his campaign for president and he was not prosecuted.
It would be a remarkably weak case and it would be blatant partisanship.
So, let it go guys just let it go.