Father Of 7 Year Old Girl SLAMS The Media’s Anti-Trump Christmas Story Phone Call

The dad of a seven-year-old little girl has destroyed the media’s latest hysteria to bash President Donald Trump over a Christmas phone call.

On Christmas Eve the president answered the call of the youngster and asked if Collman Lloyd, the kid who was on the phone, if she still believed in Santa Claus.

The media lost its mind, finding the kid and her family and reporting on it as if the president told her he stole all of her gifts.

This is how CNN handled it.

The Post and Courier identified Trump’s 7-year-old caller as a girl from South Carolina — one who had never heard the word “marginal” before.

Collman told the paper she still believed in Santa, just as she told the President, and received a doll on Christmas morning.

A video from Collman’s side of the Christmas Eve exchange showed she said “Yes, sir” when Trump asked if she still believed in Santa, and that she repeated, “Yes, sir” when Trump said. “At 7, it’s marginal, right?”

“I was like, ‘Wow.’ I was shocked,” she told the paper of their exchange. “It wasn’t really (nerve-wracking), I just had to think of what the truth was.”

In another phone call, Trump took a child’s belief in Santa as a given.

“What’s Santa going to get you for Christmas?” he asked, according to pool reports. “Have a great Christmas, and I’ll talk to you again, OK?”

But that is not how her dad explained it to Buzzfeed.

The parents of Collman Lloyd — the 7-year-old girl from Lexington, South Carolina, whose phone call with President Trump on Christmas Eve went viral after he asked her if still believes in Santa Claus and then said, “at 7 it’s marginal, right?” — say they have no issue with how Trump spoke to their daughter.

In fact, dad Donald J. Lloyd, 40, (who, as it happens, shares a first name and middle initial with the president) told BuzzFeed News he would have used similar language with his daughter, and he thinks the remark is being taken out of proportion and unfairly politicized.

“I think it’s crazy it became a big deal. It’s Christmas time. I’d love to keep politics out of Christmas,” said Donald. “It didn’t bother me — I like to talk to my kids like adults.”

Collman’s mom, Erica, 40, agreed. She added that she found Trump to be extremely generous.

“I’m a teacher. I’m OK with the vocabulary,” said Erica, who teaches third grade students. “He was very kind. I was very impressed with the phone call.”

And he is correct. It was crazy.

But it is par for the course for a media who is obsessed with painting President Trump as a villain.

Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda? msha.ke/danielledeperi

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