This Video Of Bill Gates Shilling Genetically Modified Corn Is Absolutely Creepy…

The latest diabolical scheme the billionaire globalist has his hands in is genetically modified corn.

Bill Gates published a bizarre video promoting his corn.

Gates is featured in the video lip-singing song lyrics sung by a child as he stands in a kitchen wearing t-shirt emblazoned with, “Ask me about corn.”

“It’s corn!” Gates says as he takes a large bite out of a corn ear.

“It has the juice!”

The video also shows a picture of Gates as a child holding a corncob in a cornfield.

Corn “accounts for 30% of the food consumed in Africa. But it is at risk. African crop researchers are creating a new, more resilient type of corn,” the video states.

It’s likely at risk because of Gates’s experiments to create Frankenfood.

Can’t he just leave Mother Nature and natural food alone?


In reality, this is another attempt by Gates to push the Great Reset agenda on the public.

Gates and his globalist allies want you to eat genetically modified food to fight ‘climate change.’

The sixth annual Goalkeepers Report, published by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on Sept. 12, highlights how two of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, food security, and gender equality, are being achieved.

The report talks about what Gates calls “magic seeds,” crops including corn and rice that have been genetically modified to resist hotter, drier climates as a remedy to alleviate world hunger.

From the Goalkeepers Report:


Of course, the seeds weren’t actually magic, but by breeding select varieties of the crop, the researchers believed they could produce a hybrid maize that would be more resistant to hotter, drier climates. They succeeded wildly.

The Daily Mail reported:

Gates points in particular to a breakthrough he calls ‘magic seeds’ – including maize that has been bred to be more resistant to hotter, drier climates, and rice that requires three fewer weeks in the field.

These innovations will allow agricultural productivity to increase despite the changing climate, he argues.

However, he claims that the research and development budget for new innovations like magic seeds is still much too small compared to spending on food aid.

‘It’s good that people want to prevent their fellow human beings from starving when conflicts like Ukraine interrupt the food supply, but we also have to recognise that those crises are symptoms of a deeper problem,’ Gates says in the report.

‘Many countries don’t grow enough yet, and climate change is making farming even harder. That challenge can’t be solved with donations. It requires innovation.’

“The seeds were first developed under a program of the African Agricultural Technology Foundation, to which the Gates Foundation has given $131 million since 2008,” the outlet added.

“Since then, the foundation has spent $1.5 billion on grants focused on agriculture in Africa, according to Candid, a nonprofit that researches philanthropic giving.”

By acquiring more farmland than anyone else in America, Gates can dictate our food supply by what’s grown on farms.

And that likely means his Frankencorn.

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