They Heard A Five Year Old Yelling About A ‘Monster’, Then They Saw The Horrific Truth….

Although there are no genuine monsters under the bed, one young girl narrowly escaped the grasp of a real-life “monster” who is accused of killing her father and holding her captive.

The 5-year-old girl Maggie Millsap left neighbors uneasy after she yelled out to them for help, begging to be saved before declaring, “The monster is back.” Concerned after the child closed the curtain and disappeared behind it, residents of the neighboring duplex called 911, but nothing could prepare them or authorities for what they would find.

Raynell Jones, who was babysitting at the neighbor’s house in Detroit, Michigan, first saw Maggie yell from the window where she and her father lived when Jones heard her chilling message.

“She goes, ‘Help me, help me please,’” Jones recalled.When the guy walks back up she says, ‘The monster is back,’ and then she closes the curtain.”

Neighbor Karla Reaves said that Maggie, got in the window and said, ‘The monster is coming to get me.”

According to The Blaze:

Authorities responded to the scene on the 12100 block of Schaefer Highwa., What detectives discovered will haunt them. Not only was the child’s father, Colby Millsap, found dead outside the door to their unit, but the police also discovered another possible murder victim during the investigation, within the same week, the body of the second man was apparently discovered shot outside the duplex.

Maggie Millsap

Police arrested the 29-year-old man Dangelo Clemons who lived in the unit next door to Maggie and her dad in connection with the crime after reportedly taking the girl from her home and escaping to the apartment next door, where he lived.

The Police said, that Maggie was allegedly held captive for two days as her father’s lifeless body lay outside the family’s door, the girl’s neighbors stated, making the situation even more horrifying. The girl was spared from the alleged kidnapping and captivity, however, thanks to Jones.

Dangelo Cash Clemons

Maggie was seen on a bodycam video telling a female officer that she wants to be a police officer when she grows up while being protected from the “monster” who is accused of killing her father.

“As soon as she saw us, she jumped up, she jumped in officers arms and said I want to be the police when I grow up,” Detective James Kraszewski said.

After being saved, Maggie was transferred to live with her grandma in Texas because she had suffered from severe health issues as a result of being born prematurely and losing her mother soon after.

“I’ve never ever come across a case like this ever, this will go with me until the end,adds Detective Kraszewski.

Although Maggie’s neighbors are happy to hear she’s okay, they are still grieving her father. They claimed that three weeks ago, when the little girl’s father, Cody Millsap, was killed by a neighbor in his doorway, things changed.

“He needs to know that he hurt this little girl for the rest of her life,” said Maggie’s godmother, Karla Reaves.

“Not only did he hurt her, he hurt us and anyone else who loved that little girl because now she doesn’t have anybody,” said Darion Reaves, Karla’s daughter.

“I loved them, that little girl and her dad,” said Karla Reaves.

The Reaves’ would take Maggie to the park every day but not before her dad would gave her a pop quiz.

“He made sure she did five math problems and read a book before we took her to the park. I love them so much,” Karla Reaves said.

Police said they still have a murder to solve. Although it appears they have a prime suspect in custody, there were no further details released regarding the ongoing homicide investigation.

Watch the video below:

Sources: Taphaps, Scallywagandvagabond, Crimeonline, TheBlaze

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