If you were ever one to question Obama’s real nation of origin you would have been labeled a “Birther” by the radical left and the media.

There is a good reason why a President of the United States is required to be born in the country. If the President was indeed born in a foreign country, he may not have America’s best interest at heart.

Many of Obama’s actions during his eight years as President seemed as if he didn’t have our country’s best interest in mind. After all, look at how divided we are since he left office. The country is facing a crisis like we haven’t seen in decades, and Obama and the Democrats are to blame for that.

Now thanks to Obama’s half-brother, we have been given more information on his actual birthplace. Malik Obama has spent years trying to reveal the truth about Barack Obama and tweeted an image back in March possibly revealing Obama’s true birth certificate.

 According to Patriot Journal:

President Trump led the charge to get to the bottom of the rumors, and Obama eventually put out a copy of his certificate in 2011 to appease everyone, but many, including the respectable Sheriff Arpaio, remained unconvinced.

Now someone much closer to Obama has released what appears to be the smoking gun, and both the document and the person have jaws dropping around America. From the American Mirror:

Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s half-brother, tweeted an image of what appears to be Barack’s birth certificate.

Except it’s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya.

Now Malik has had a tense relationship with his brother, and from the well-known picture of his brother wearing Trump’s signature red hat, it may not surprise anyone that he has decided to release a document like this. From the Daily Mail:

The Obama brothers have had a strained relationship over the years.

They first met around 30 years ago and were best men at each other’s weddings. Malik claims that he’s been invited to the White House on numerous occasions and that he stays in contact with the president.

“Of course we’re close!,” he told GQ in 2013. “I’m the one who brought him here to Kogelo in 1988! I thought it was important for him to come home and see from whence his family came – you know, his roots.”

Malik told MailOnline that year that his more famous half-brother is “always at the end of a phone line if I want to talk.”

What would it mean if it was real? It is very unlikely that anything would happen to officially roll back anything Barack did as president. But if it turns out he was ineligible, it would be an eternal mar against Obama and the Democratic party, and it could cost Obama his future treatment as a former president: his pension and his security.

If the general public and the media ever accepted it (how unlikely is that!) he would lose his book deals and many opportunities to make six figures giving speeches following in the footsteps of Hillary and Bill. Now that they have zero political power to peddle and their foundations are drying up, how much do you think they can really charge for a speech?

The media is already labeling Malik’s release as a giant conspiracy. Americans should admit it is important to be cautious until the evidence is reviewed. The liberal calling card is to jump to conclusions that fit their agenda, no matter what the evidence really is, and that is the last thing conservatives should do.

Democrats were quick to dismiss Malik’s “proof” that his half-brother was indeed born in Kenya and not in the U.S., but it’s not uncommon for Democrats to lie. At the very least, the proper authorities should be willing to investigate the claim made by Malik, after all, he does have a connection to Barack Obama and has known him much longer than any of us.Even if the birth certificate turns out as a fake, there still needs to be a proper investigation into it. If it does turn out to be a lie, then we are closer to the truth, but if it does turn out to be true then we will finally get to the bottom of this major conspiracy theory that has been raging for years. What do you think?

H/T Patriot Journal

By staff

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  1. Obama is a fraud who has destroyed this country and for the most part he has destroyed the world. He cheated to be reelected and Joe Bimbo Biden spilled the beans on that claiming they assembled the largest voter fraud campaign ever and that’s how we got Obama reelected. So yes he is a foreign national and he should be prosecuted for his crimes against Americans.

    1. If you care to research, you will ALSO find that “heels-up-harris” is another “anchor baby” born to two FOREIGNERS, and was NEVER constitutionally eligible herself. SO here we go again, with another foreigner, (FAKE “BLACK WOMAN”) being shoved down our throats to carry on FRAUD obama’s ongoing destruction of our republic.

    2. America is really the victim and the Democrats who loyally voted as Democrats are the conspirators who vote Democrat even to the destruction of America and all that we know. Every action Obama has taken was against the unity of our country and he aided and abided actors such as Iran to further world disorder. For example, why did he support Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon although know that Iran intended to use it to obliterate Israel. Obama is a devout and in reality a radical Islamist bent on the anhelation and genocide of all Jewish people! Not all Islamic people are radicals but those that are are a real threat to civilzation!

  2. The only thing worse than Obama, is the idiots that voted for him.
    I worked in a factory and when Odumber ran for prez, and when he was re-elected, the negroes all wore Obama T-shirts and screamed like banshees, running around the place.
    When Trump was running and won, we wouldn’t DARE wear a Trump t-shirt. Everyone is so afraid of the negroes rioting, like BLM did, that they keep silent. The 13% are the real racists????

    1. I did not vote for Obama. But people vote for the person they want to and they only have certain information at the time they vote. It is stupid or racist for you to say the the people that voted for Obama are idiots. There are many things about people that run for office that we have no knowledge of when we vote.

      1. I knew there was something wrong with Obama months before he even got the nomination. I googled that supposed-church in Chicago which he supposedly attended. What came up instantly was a big map of Africa. The actual “church” website never mentioned the name of Jesus. I knew then that he was an Islamist. That church site disappeared or metamorphosed, but a few years later, in office, remember when he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring, which was “being repaired”
        during Ramadan? Remember the back cover of his book written before he would be running for president, where he was described as a “son of Kenya”. I kept waiting for the Repubs to investigate his certificate officially and declare him ineligible to run, but they never did it. The only person who kept raising it was a female lawyer in California. She went suddenly quiet — threatened? Intimidated? Bought off?

  3. …we were ALL right about the ineligible, partially black, muslim homosexual…

    …the only ones who believed the bull-schiff about him are/were the same ones who believed biden/whorris got 81000000 votes…that cow-farts are causing the polar ice caps to melt…and that if a boy hacks off his willy he becomes a girl…

    …IOW, the low IQ, indoctrinated and brainwashed schiff-heads…

  4. Joseph, there was photos leaked, and an article. But who was/is the mother of Barack? Who is the family of the daughter? And finally who is the fraternal order whom the father of the daughter belong? Can you connect the dots yet?

  5. And don’t forget that his Hawaiian birth certificate was not produced on a typewriter; it was printed by a “machine “ that didn’t exist when he was born. And wasn’t it convenient that while he was in office the woman who was the registrar at the Hawaiian hospital was involved a plane crash, in which she was the only person who happened to die? And his classmates where he supposedly got his law degree never remembered him as ever being there?

  6. If he had been running as a Republican in 2008; I am sure the birth certificate would
    have been investigated to the fullest extent

  7. It is good that his brother is revealing the truth. When Obama was running for office, an investigator did find his birth certificate in Kenya and reported it. But like all good truths it was ridiculed. Sheriff Arpaio proved beyond and doubt the birth certificate released by the White House was a fake. It has multiple fonts, list the hospital name that did not exist at the time of his birth, and tons of other issues. If you down load the certificate that was released from the White House website you could page back through each layer of it and see where the changes were made in a certificate that was of a woman born near the same date as Obama. I am not a computer savvy person, but even I was able to go back through the layers and could even move the state seal all over the page. It was created on a computer and was released to the public from the computer. It was never a hard copy. The creator of it failed in so many ways: copying and pasting various fonts, using terms that were not used at those times, using a hospital name that did not exist at that time, using terms not used used on official documents at the time, and the biggest of all was not turning into to a hard copy. A hard copy could never have been dissected change by change in it’s creation. Two of world’s top forensic document analysts have confirmed the birth certificate released by Obama’s White House was a computer generated document. In short, it was a fake. The only reason someone would release a fake birth certificate is because they do not have a real one, from an American hospital. Obama never met the requirement of being a “natural born citizen”. Why do you think he has all of his school records and other documents sealed. If they were available to be read, the truth would come out.

  8. Who Wants To Know If They Are A Natural/ Native Born U.S. Citizen?

    Who wants to know if they are a Natural/ Native Born U.S. Citizen? The test is simple.

    1.) A person is a Natural/ Native U.S. Citizen
    without the aid of any U,S Congressional
    Legislative Citizenship laws/ Rules for Legal
    U.S. Citizenship.
    a.) Parents were legal U.S. Citizens for one (1)
    year prior to person’s birth within the
    Republic (Union of Several States) of United
    States Boundaries/ Borders..

    2) End Of Test

    If a person passes this test they are eligible to apply for the U.S. Presidential and/ or U.S. Vice Presidential office position as stated in the U.S. Constitution.

    Every Legal U.S. Citizen/ Voter has legal standing to know if the person they are “hiring” for the U.S. Presidential and/ or U.S. Vice Presidential Office meets/ passes the above test.

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