Illegal Immigrant Charged with Molesting 5-Year-Old Girl Attempts to Make Himself the Victim

A 25-year-old illegal immigrant from Guatemala has been arrested in Florida on allegations that he molested a 5-year-old girl.

Nicolas Jose Francisco was charged by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office after the alleged victim was interviewed by the Department of Children and Families, according to WPEC.

The suspect faces two counts of sexual battery on a victim who is less than 12 years old.

According to an affidavit from the Department of Children and Families, workers first determined that the child understood the difference between a truth and a lie.

The affidavit said, the child “began shaking” when she was asked if she had been touched inappropriately.

The girl reported two instances — one that took place in a bathroom and another in the garage of her family’s home, where Francisco worked.

She said that the illegal immigrant accused of the crime called her to the garage and that he “touched her flower,” meaning her genitals.

In the other incident, she said the suspect touched her and exposed himself.

Francisco alleged that the story was being manufactured because he is an illegal immigrant.

He also claimed that touching the girl was by mistake in both instances, according to WFLX.

Although Francisco claimed he was trying to help her go to the bathroom, police noted there was no bathroom in the garage.

A police report said, Francisco “apologized and admitted his behavior and actions were wrong.”

Jibby Ciric, senior director of strategic impact for the Center of Child Counseling, noted that “in sexual abuse cases, in many cases, it’s the people that the child knows.”

“We deal with that in unfortunately many instances,” Ciric said.

She said, abusers “often try to normalize and diminish the effects of what they have done.”

Francisco is being detained without bail at the Palm Beach County jail, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail.


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  • EXECUTE THAT SON-OF-A-BITCH. No deporting him so he can sneak back. No prison where he is fed and sheltered. No bail where he only has to cough up 10%. No ankle bracelet that he can take off. Just swiftly execute him and the others just like him.
    This is why the country is such a mess. You pussy Judges and Defense attorneys waste your time on this filth instead of getting justice for the victims. The criminals are coddled and never actually punished.

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