
Dummies Guide—Easy Steps For Losing Volunteers

Yes, I know the title should be reading, easy steps for GETTING volunteers.  Well, not in an alternate universe such as Pondforest-pseudo name- Church. I’m going to highlight how many...

Liar, Liar: Barry’s Pants Are On Fire

  Barack Hussein Obama in his Wednesday night speech, announced his military strategic plans to combat ISIS in Iraq. (Ever hear of a Nuclear Bomb?)   See his absurd quotes, here...

Payback Where Payback IS Due

A Freudian slip which Wikipedia defines as… an error occurring in speech or memory as occurring due to the interference of an unconscious (“dynamically repressed”) subdued wish, conflict, or train...

Anti-Gun? Usually it’s White People

  Most anti-gun whites live in bastions of delusional liberal-mostly white-utopias, where their only struggle is bantering back and forth among themselves in a civilized discussion of what restaurant will...

The Constitution is Not a Living Organism

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia recently said, “The Constitution is not a living organism. It is a legal document and it says what it says and doesn’t say what it...