Mike Dickinson, the unhinged Virginia Democrat who once sought the House seat formerly held by Eric Cantor, now claims to have a radio program and says he intends to pray...
Not only is Barack Obama set to unilaterally rule on amnesty for illegal immigrants, but, the Associated Press said Thursday, he intends to blame Congress for acting like a dictator....
It seems that Barack Obama has no use for the Constitution or Congress and is prepared to bypass the Senate to enact a UN global warming treaty. According to the...
Apparently California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat also known as “Governor Moonbeam,” doesn’t think borders are necessary. While introducing Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Brown “spoke about the interwoven histories...
Remember the “good old days” of Attack Watch, the web site set up by the Obama campaign to deal with any story critical of the president? Now, the federal government...
On Saturday, the Washington Post said the White House would send three officials to Monday’s funeral for Michael Brown, the 18-year-old shot by Ferguson officer Darren Wilson. By contrast, only...
Call it another case of political correctness gone wild. On Sunday, Examiner.com reported that Sneakers Bistro, a restaurant based in Winooski, Vermont, removed a sign that read, “Yield Sneakers Bacon,”...