A two year old little girl, Aaliyah, was left in the care of her mothers boyfriend. Her mother was in a bind, and the babies father was unavailable at the...
Caitlyn Jenner finally came forward and revealed what we’ve all been wondering: Does she have man or woman genitalia? She took her new memoir “The Secrets Of My Life” to...
Astronomers have found an atmosphere around the super Earth-like planet GJ 1132b. The team of scientists led by Dr. John Southworth of Keele University in the U.K.used a special telescope...
One famous black rights activist and campaigner unexpectedly died in his sleep. Darcus Howe, 74, was found dead unexpectedly on Saturday morning in his home. He is said to have...
Well, it looks like Nancy Pelosi is at it again. This woman literally just opposes anything Trump or GOP related, no matter how good their ideas may or may not...
A 64 year old woman was brutally beaten because of her son, in England. 64 year old Barbara Dransfield had her home broken into and then was brutally beaten all...
Sir Muir Gray is a top medical mind from Great Brittan. He’s got some interesting insights on what exactly Type-2 diabetes is, and he has a new name he’d like...
Do you remember hearing some time ago about a group of hackers who were demanding ransom money from Apple while holding over 300 million iCloud accounts hostage? If you aren’t...
William ‘Bill’ Frankland has been around the block quite a few times. Most men dream of being a doctor, or a war hero, or a researcher. Bill did it all....
By now, we all know how ruthless and hateful ISIS is. The horror stories just seem to keep piling up, all in relation to Islam and ISIS, more specifically. The...
States that still perform the death penalty are required by law to have witnesses to oversee the death and the way it’s performed. Arkansas has an unprecedented 8 lethal injections...
A Texas couple wanted to repaint their recently purchased home, and has seen some insane backlash from the community. The couple, Peter and Keely Dubrova, put in a color request...
In a viral story we learned that Aaron Williams, a teenage boy with sensory processing disorder, was given a traumatizing pat down by a TSA agent who clearly had an...
Jesus deniers everywhere are making excuses after some additional proof has been uncovered just 18 miles off the coast of Israel near the city of Haifa. The stone has some...
Our friends over at Vine Scope compiled a list of the best 29 kitchen fails that can be found on the internet just for you! Let’s face it, we’ve all...