Chuck Schumer is a strange person when you really examine him on a day to day level. He is the classic case of saying one thing and then doing another....
The thing about the border wall that people just do not understand is that there are people out there that will try to get into the country illegally and they...
Ilhan Omar is not someone to be trusted. She seems like the type of person that if you gave her the choice of telling like for fifty dollars or telling...
It’s downright sickening the depts that some people can get to in this day and age. I’m not naive enough to think that things like abuse did not go on...
Elizabeth Warren is a really odd person. I would imagine that if she was ever willing to tell the truth n her life that she would have been someone that...
I am all in favor of helping the homeless, but when liberal policies have basically turned an entire state into a massive homeless camp, it is going too far. There...
If people have fences around their houses and locks on their doors, they shouldn’t have a problem with a wall at the Mexican border. It’s how you keep out or...
It would be funny if it were not so darned sad how often it seems that so many prominent liberals end up finding themselves entangled with child pornography scandals. You...