The truth is that Rove, McConnell, et al. have a good thing going for themselves, and it’s not about electability. That’s a bald-face lie.

Carson needs to stop showing how thin his skin his. We’ve had enough of thin-skinned make believe leaders who are not qualified for the job they hold.

Since 1992, Fox News has been one of the very top donors to Hillary and Bill Clinton, the number nine top donor to be exact. This news comes on the heels of our finding out the Fox News debate moderators were instructed to destroy presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Megyn Kelly is an embarrassment and she is certainly no lady. She proved what she was when unearthed a five-year-old interview of Kelly on the Howard Stern show. First of all, no “lady” would appear on the Howard Stern Show and behave in kind to his show’s format.

Trump was not just answering questions, he was debating with Kelly and defending himself. Somehow or another, Kelly managed to ignore the fact that O’Donnell first attacked Trump.

Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace, Erick Erickson (, FoxNews, and the mainstream media as a whole showed Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton more respect when they were presidential candidates…

The truth is that Kelly is a nobody from nowhere who has prostituted her looks and sleazy behavior into a seven-figure salary. But she doesn’t have the class or character to understand how a person in her position should behave.

Louis Farrakhan has been traveling the country telling blacks to rise and murder white people…

McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy. That’s 894th out of 899 Cadets. Ergo, being a career politician was pretty much all he was qualified to do, because even convenience-store workers have to be honest.

Predictably the presidential candidates are hurrying to make promises pursuant to what they will do for veterans if elected president. What are they waiting for?

If John Kerry wasn’t fit to be president how is he fit to be Secretary of State?

I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I have learned not to trust the federal government; and I certainly do not trust the Obama government.  Something is going on that I cannot put my finger on but the numbers just do not add up.  And it comes to the Obama government where there’s smoke there is …

The difference between Dylan Roof who murdered nine members of a church in Charleston, SC and Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez the Muslim who murdered five Marines in Chattanooga, TN is easily explained. Roof was and is certifiably emotionally unstable, i.e., insane; Abdulazeez is certifiably Muslim – doing what Muslims do. Roof at one point draped himself …

Where will black bigotry and the political attempt to appease same lead next? Will Nashville censor all references to Elvis Presley singing “I Wish I were In Dixieland?” Will his relationship with Dixie Locke now be removed from the Elvis museum to appease the imbecilic idiocy of those feigning insult over any mention of Dixie? …

The recent war of words between Donald Trump and Senator John McCain have unleashed vitriolic comments and enigmas that are troubling for a number of reasons. On the surface, the five and a half years Senator McCain spent as a POW in Vietnam is one that should earn him much respect – at least for …

WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS HONEST LANGUAGE Obama cut the worse deal in history with a terrorist nation and he’s proud of it. Well, let me tell you what he didn’t do. Let me tell you why it’s necessary to wipe our feet and clean the carpets in the White House because of him. ©2015 …