Conservative Politics

[VIDEO] Leadership … A Revealing Clue

Even those who are not supporters of either Donald Trump or Jeb Bush can learn something by comparing how each of these men handled people who tried to disrupt their question-and-answer period after a speech.

The GOP Should Worry Less About Trump and More About Itself

When Ronald Reagan was vying for the Republican nomination, he didn’t muzzle himself for fear of scaring off moderates. He said what he believed. Let’s quit spending so much time worrying about Trump and focus on regaining confidence in our own ideas and presenting them to the American people.

Is Trumpism the New Nationalism?

Whatever becomes of Trump the candidate, Trumpism, i.e., economic and foreign policy nationalism, appears ascendant. If there is a single theme behind his message, it would seem to be a call for a New Nationalism or New Patriotism.

Sorting the Presidential Candidates

We had better find that needle in a haystack, someone who can salvage a desperate situation. Flamboyant rhetoric is not enough… If next year’s election comes down to Clinton versus Trump, a lot of people may simply stay home in disgust.

Taking Down The Donald

If his Republican opponents will not take down Donald Trump, Fox News will not only show them how it is done. Fox News will do the job for them. That...

Wisdom That Can Make a Difference

In this interesting article, Dr. Earl Tilford examines the damaging consequences that arise when nations tweak their history in order to feel good about the past. Tilford argues: “There are...

Plunder and Deceit

Can we simultaneously love our children and betray their generation and generations unborn? Do I have your attention? I hope so, but I can’t take credit for that lead. I...

Phony GOP Conservatism Has Worn Out Its Welcome

The long-simmering disconnect between the Republican Party’s conservative base and its leaders in government has degenerated into a full-blown schism. While President Obama accelerates his increasingly radical agenda, the GOP,...

Could the American Sleeping Giant Be Awakening?

The professional hand-wringers are freaking out over Donald Trump’s straight talk while displaying abysmal indifference to the deserved targets of Trump’s charges. The United States is incinerating, but all they...

John McCain is Not Any Kind of a Hero–political rant section goes after John McCain with the truth about his “heroism” and how he nearly sunk an aircraft carrier screwing around in his aircraft. The word hero in...

Hillary’s Tired, Demagogic Economic Proposals

Hillary Clinton is a walking, talking cliche who spouts decades-old sound bites that were bad enough when her husband first delivered them but are painfully anachronistic today. Same old material,...

A Legacy of Cliches

Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of “a legacy of slavery.” But anyone who is being serious, as distinguished from being political, would surely want to...