In Obama's speech on the Umpqua Community College shooting, no heartache or grief could be heard but outrage at America’s Second Amendment advocates was apparent.
When Ronald Reagan was vying for the Republican nomination, he didn’t muzzle himself for fear of scaring off moderates. He said what he believed. Let’s quit spending so much time worrying about Trump and focus on regaining confidence in our own ideas and presenting them to the American people.
Liberals are famous for shaming conservatives for their past associations with questionable characters, while they exempt themselves from the same standards. What a shocker!
I learned a little bit about the Donald Trump phenomenon after my appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel show this week, as my comments led to galactic feedback on...
Some Trump supporters may be blind followers who would trail him over a cliff, but most are people who see their country disintegrating and having no effective means of turning it around.
President Obama’s sordid Iran nuke deal is looking more and more like the foreign policy version of Obamacare. It’s duplicitous, secretive, destructive and legacy-driven, and he’s going to have to...
Can we simultaneously love our children and betray their generation and generations unborn? Do I have your attention? I hope so, but I can’t take credit for that lead. I...
The long-simmering disconnect between the Republican Party’s conservative base and its leaders in government has degenerated into a full-blown schism. While President Obama accelerates his increasingly radical agenda, the GOP,...
The professional hand-wringers are freaking out over Donald Trump’s straight talk while displaying abysmal indifference to the deserved targets of Trump’s charges. The United States is incinerating, but all they...
Is anyone concerned that the media have succeeded in using a flap between Donald Trump and John McCain to divert our attention from serious issues facing the nation? Trump has...
Query: If President Obama’s nuke deal with Iran is so wonderful, why do the major parties in Israel oppose it? Why was Obama so excited about making a deal that,...
When Benjamin Franklin emerged from Independence Hall at the close of the Constitutional Convention, a lady asked him what kind of government had been formed. Franklin reportedly responded, “A republic,...