David Limbaugh

SURPRISE – More Campus Fascism

Is there something in the water in the Washington State University faculty lounge, or are its professors conspiring against common sense?

The GOP Should Worry Less About Trump and More About Itself

When Ronald Reagan was vying for the Republican nomination, he didn’t muzzle himself for fear of scaring off moderates. He said what he believed. Let’s quit spending so much time worrying about Trump and focus on regaining confidence in our own ideas and presenting them to the American people.

Iran Deal Is Obama’s Foreign Policy ObamaCare

President Obama’s sordid Iran nuke deal is looking more and more like the foreign policy version of Obamacare. It’s duplicitous, secretive, destructive and legacy-driven, and he’s going to have to...

Plunder and Deceit

Can we simultaneously love our children and betray their generation and generations unborn? Do I have your attention? I hope so, but I can’t take credit for that lead. I...

Phony GOP Conservatism Has Worn Out Its Welcome

The long-simmering disconnect between the Republican Party’s conservative base and its leaders in government has degenerated into a full-blown schism. While President Obama accelerates his increasingly radical agenda, the GOP,...

Could the American Sleeping Giant Be Awakening?

The professional hand-wringers are freaking out over Donald Trump’s straight talk while displaying abysmal indifference to the deserved targets of Trump’s charges. The United States is incinerating, but all they...