
Angry America

America needs to wake up and identify the real root causes of the violence that permeates our culture, and then America needs to be pro-active in destroying those causes or eventually those causes will destroy us. In other words: awake, be aware, be active or die.

Why No National Outrage Over Murdered Marines?

The difference between Dylan Roof who murdered nine members of a church in Charleston, SC and Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez the Muslim who murdered five Marines in Chattanooga, TN is easily...

On the Road to Serfdom

Mention slavery to any American and visions of captured Africans shackled in chains and suffering every kind of abuse known to man comes to mind. While this form of slavery...

Anarchy & Apathy

Many recognize that the character and nature of the country we love is breathing its last breath. A good argument can be made that the despotic twins of anarchy and...