The city of Los Angeles just lost a grant from the DOJ for $3 million dollars. They were not given a reason why their request was denied but it should...
California Democrats made a surprise move late Friday to foil President Trump’s promise to repeal ObamaCare—by introducing a stand-alone, single-payer healthcare system in California. California is the quintessential leftist state....
The much-ballyhooed “Day Without Immigrants” turned out to be a day without many protestors or any political impact, but with many Mexican flags, angry slogans, and a muted social-media response...
People from around the world do not have a right to come to the United States. It’s really that simple. Once you understand this simplistic explanation then you come to...
Democrats want it both ways. When President Obama sued the state of Arizona for passing a law that helped federal agents capture illegal aliens he said it was wrong because...
Remember when President Obama sued the state of Arizona after Governor Brewer signed legislation that was designed to help federal law enforcement capture illegal aliens? The liberals said that only...
Democrat leaders in sanctuary cities stood up a few weeks ago and declared that Donald Trump wasn’t going to stop them from violating federal laws to provide safe haven for...
Kayla Gomez-Orozco, a sweet 10 year old little girl from TX, disappeared from a prayer meeting without a trace on Tuesday. Police finally got a lead on Saturday and found...
There’s only one time when you can depend on the chronically backlogged, recklessly inefficient Department of Homeland Security to perform smoothly: election season.
Among the many things illegals are not supposed to be able to do here is purchase or possess firearms or ammunition. They are also not supposed to vote in our elections…but liberals abroad are challenging that.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit did the work of a contortionist by upholding the law while also pointing out that they agree with the lower court ruling. Do you agree that illegal aliens should have second amendment rights?
One of the most lame excuses for doing nothing is that we can’t do everything. Such excuses have been repeated endlessly, even by some conservatives, when it comes to illegal immigration.
When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change.
People who entered the United States illegally may be called “undocumented” in politically correct circles, but what is all too well documented is the utter irresponsibility of both political parties...
On July 10 2105 California Attorney General and current US Senatorial candidate Kamala Harris (D) responded to Donald Trump’s statements on the dangers posed by illegal immigration by calling those...