It's time for Obama to ascend the bully pulpit and call out the racial demagogues in the fever swamps of his own radical left constituency. But, anyone with half a brain knows that isn't likely to happen.
On July 9 2015, Breitbart News reported that gun crime was surging in the Democrat-run cities of Baltimore, Chicago, Milwaukee, New Orleans, and St. Louis. We can now expand that list...
When the incompetent occupy important positions: As Baltimore continues to spiral downward, the City of Baltimore has now asked for assistance from Feds in investigating homicides. Ten agents from various Federal...
American police have, since I can remember, taken great pride in providing immediate help to people who really needed them. We call it “proactive policing.” We respond quickly to calls...
You’re on your own! The City of Baltimore (hopelessly broke and starving for cash, like most cities) announced that it is refusing to pay a civil judgement levied against it...
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.” ~ Margaret Thatcher Greece, Puerto Rico, CA, IL, NY, and Zimbabwe! As Americans today shake their...
I’ll make this short and sweet… I don’t care what your opinions on the Confederate flag are, nor does it matter what my opinion on the matter is. Thats not...
It’s increasingly difficult to tell the difference between Teach for America — whose leaders are at the forefront of inflammatory anti-police protests in Baltimore, Ferguson, and now McKinney, Texas —...
Half a century ago this summer, the Voting Rights Act was passed, propelled by Bloody Sunday at Selma Bridge. The previous summer, the Civil Rights Act became law on July...
New York City has Michael Bloomberg’s favorite gun control measure in place and is facing a crime epidemic that includes a “nearly” 20 percent increase in homicides. When NYPD Officer...
Baltimore is now paying the price for irresponsible words and actions, not only by young thugs in the streets, but also by its mayor and the state prosecutor, both of...
The lame-stream media told you: “We are deploying every resource possible to gain control of the situation and ensure peace moving forward,” Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said, on page one...
Over the Memorial Day Weekend in heavily gun controlled Chicago, 12 persons were killed and “at least” 43 were wounded in shootings across the city. One of the wounded was...
After 18-year-old Antonio Martin pulled a gun and was subsequently shot and killed by a police officer at a Berkeley, Missouri gas station on December 23 2014, Pastor Starsky Wilson...