One of the major reasons that we seem to be having more mass shootings during this administration, is the administration’s and the media’s desire to use those shootings for political purposes.
In Obama's speech on the Umpqua Community College shooting, no heartache or grief could be heard but outrage at America’s Second Amendment advocates was apparent.
I cannot hide my anger and disgust for truly dangerously stupid and mentally illogical people. Now comes the Roseburg area Umpqua College murdering sociopath’s nut cake’ Euro-trash dad calling for more gun control in our country.
Since we no longer have mental illness hospitals, people who are genuinely mentally ill are now freely mixed-in with the general population…resulting in catastrophic consequences.
Will this send a strong enough message to future shooters in gun free zones where they know they will be the only one carrying a gun? Hardly. But there is an effective deterrent to keep dirt bags for murdering.
GOA’s Erich Pratt discusses the Chattanooga shooting. Did an armed serviceman deliver the killing bullet that stopped the Chattanooga terrorist gunman? Pratt discusses this and other questions such as: Have...
There is much speculation about how to identify people at risk of committing violence, in order to preempt their possessing firearms. This ignores risks from violence done with, say, hands...
That’s right, there was a mass murder in which five people were killed and one other seriously injured in Oklahoma a few days ago that the media is virtually ignoring....
“If God does not exist, then everything is permissible.” Ivan Karamazov’s insight came to mind while watching the video of Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood describe, as she sipped wine...
The FBI indicates alleged Chattanooga gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez had three firearms with him on July 16 2015 – two long guns and one handgun. The FBI also indicates Abdulazeez bought...