Mychal Massie

Obama Attacks Second Amendment but Rewards Illegals

There are now upward of 30,000 gun laws and statutes, NONE of which have prevented, let alone stopped criminals from committing violent crimes, yet legal Americans are having their Second Amendment rights infringed upon.

Angry America

America needs to wake up and identify the real root causes of the violence that permeates our culture, and then America needs to be pro-active in destroying those causes or eventually those causes will destroy us. In other words: awake, be aware, be active or die.

Ben Carson’s Thin-Skin

Carson needs to stop showing how thin his skin his. We’ve had enough of thin-skinned make believe leaders who are not qualified for the job they hold.

What Trump Could Have Asked Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly is an embarrassment and she is certainly no lady. She proved what she was when unearthed a five-year-old interview of Kelly on the Howard Stern show. First of all, no “lady” would appear on the Howard Stern Show and behave in kind to his show’s format.

Targeting Trump

Trump was not just answering questions, he was debating with Kelly and defending himself. Somehow or another, Kelly managed to ignore the fact that O’Donnell first attacked Trump.