Inspired by terrorist propaganda from ISIS, Abdul Razak Ali Artan ran down students with his car and attacked many with a large knife. The left of course had a field day...
As if misguided anti-gun policies that leave our fighting men and women defenseless stateside weren’t enough, some gun control advocates are intent on reviving a Clinton-era gun control tactic that would pose a danger to our military in the field.
On January 22, 2013, I wrote the following Daily Rant. It was titled “Weapons of Choice.” I repost it today and ask you — what has changed? Doctors and government...
About 14 years ago, my wife and soulmate said something I disagreed with. So I divorced her. As if that wasn’t enough, about a week later, my kid got a...
As NRA’s new president, I am grateful to serve with you to preserve America’s unique freedoms. I first encountered the National Rifle Association as an 11-year-old growing up in Ohio. Mentored...
THIS is why the NRA won’t get another dime of my money. The NRA is supporting establishment candidates rather than supporting candidates who support freedom. The list of politicians who...
On December 28 2014, “distinguished” Occidental College Professor Peter Dreier [Email: Phone: (323) 259-2913 Website:] claimed those looking for a cause behind the December 20 executions of NYPD officers,...
The restaurateur responsible for a Cajun eatery in Louisiana hoped law enforcement would take advantage of an unusual discount offered during lunchtime, but says his eatery has since become a...