Seattle passed the Firearm Tax and Ammunition Tax ordinance which imposes a $25 sales tax on retail sales of firearms, plus a per-round sales tax of two to five cents on ammunition. A city report describes this as a “gun violence tax”.
Once again, anti-gun activists in Seattle have chosen to violate the Washington State Constitution and trample upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens...
Counter to Washington state law, Seattle City Council President Tim Burgess has announced plans for a local ordinance that would impose new taxes on firearms and ammunition sold within city...
If you cannot effectively fight back immediately, escaping and fighting back may be the next best thing. The best chance to fight back and prevail is usually before you are...
Since billionaire Bill Gates has not accepted a one-on-one debate challenge from Alan Gottlieb to reveal the myriad problems with Initiative 594, Gottlieb announced today that he will allow Gates...
Today’s revelation that Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown for Gun Safety” lobbying organization has donated another million dollars to the already-swollen Initiative 594 campaign war chest (read: Giant Gun Control Scam In The Name...