Beck on “Dangerous” Trump: “Look at Adolf Hitler in 1929”

On ABC’s This Week today, Glenn Beck once again invoked Adolf Hitler in discussing Donald Trump.

As Beck spoke of the “anger and nationalism” that Trump is stirring up, he showed off a piece of propaganda from Nazi Germany, leading George Stephanopoulos to ask him if he’s saying Trump is Hitler.

Back argued that Trump is “playing to the lowest common denominator and to the anger in us,” and implored people to “look at Adolf Hitler in 1929.” He described Hitler back then as a “funny character that said the things that people were thinking” before things got serious.

He called from a “dangerous man,” and even told Republicans who are saying a vote against Trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton to “stop playing those games.”

Beck said if presented with a choice between the lesser of two evils, “I’m not going to vote for evil.”

This is quite the opposite from how he praised Trump in 2011:

On April 4, 2011, Glenn Beck expressed his full support for Donald Trump, claiming that he can “fix America.”

“Donald Trump, look, here’s a guy who I really respect. Here’s a guy who gets things done in New York,” Beck stated. “You want to have someone fix our country, Donald Trump is a guy who can economically fix our country.”

As reported by, it appears that Beck is a hypocrite, and Trump’s claim that Beck turned on him (after he declined to come on his radio show) is accurate.

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