Michelle Admits She HATES Hillary In Recently Resurfaced Video From 2007

In a video from 2007 which has recently resurfaced, First Lady Michelle Obama is seen letting her true feelings about Hillary Clinton be known. At a Women for Obama campaign event in Chicago, Michelle laid plain why Hillary cannot be trusted with the presidency.

She stated:

“One of the important aspects of this race is role-modeling what good families should look like. And my view is that if you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the White House. You can’t do it!”

Take a look…

Of course, the Obama Family’s ability to “role-model what a good family should look like” has been called into question, too. Recently, their eldest daughter Malia has taken time off before attending college so that she can partake in underage drinking and pot smoking. Honestly, the Obamas aren’t any better than the Clintons.

With that being said, Michelle Obama’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton falls pretty flat once you see a video like this, don’t you think?

Share if you think Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President of the United States!

H/T: MRC Blog