Marina Abramovic not only entertains Politicians, but BIG HOLLYWOOD as well. If they act like this in public, you can imagine how they act in private. Gwen Stefani, Jay Z and GAGA are some of the big names that associate with this activity. The mere thought of cult involvement in Hollywood is sickening but wouldn’t be surprising. Corey Feldman and many others blew the whistle long ago on the amount of pedophelia and child abuse that goes on. Cult activity comes with this kind of territory.
Check it out.
Kreëmart at the MoCA Annual Gala 11/12/11 with Marina Abramovic and Deborah Harry from Kreëmart on Vimeo.
Marina Abramovic, #SpiritCooking loon, is popular with #kardashian, #JayZ , #beyonceknowles, #ladygaga .
— Dan Buhrdorf (@DanforNebraska) November 4, 2016