Tired of “Social Media’s” Censorship? Join the New Independent Minute



Are you a conservative? Are you tired of Facebook deciding what content you can see or post? Are you tired of unexplained suspensions of privileges? There is an answer. The Independent Minute uses no algorithms or liberal censors.  You can post what you want as long as it’s not filled with foul language and hate. best of all, conservatives are always welcome. Come read the stories Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t want you to see. Post the stories that Zuckerberg doesn’t want you to share. Use this forum to drive traffic to your website.  This site does not limit your content or force you to pay big bucks for them to allow you to be seen.

The 2018 elections are quickly approaching and Facebook plans on being the right arm of the DNC. Their influence could be overwhelming. Blog to your heart’s content and never get suspended for posting in more than 5 groups. This site is in it’s infancy and it may take a while to grow but with your help, we can reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands and eventually millions. Facebook and Google want a monopoly. Don’t stand by and let them. Because it won’t be the content you want. Indoctrination is a goal they hope to achieve.

There are some drawbacks. Independent Minute won’t sell your personal information to large spam dealers and that means you won’t be getting thousands of spam messages but you will have to make sacrifices like this if you don’t want to get all of your news from CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Huffington Post, Washington Post or Media Matters.

Sign up is quick and easy and we do not require any personal information or the little pinky of your first born child. Just register in two minutes, then read and post the content you want to see. Not what the liberal establishment wants you to see.

Follow the link to register


Come join us today. It’s opening day at the Independent Minute.

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