ISIS Terrorists reportedly cut 5-year old Christian boy in half

According to the Anglican Communion News Service, ISIS terrorists cut a 5-year-old Christian boy in half during an attack on the Christian town of Qaraqosh.

The boy was the son of one of the founding members of St. George’s Anglican Church in Bagdad, and his only crime appears to be that he was Christian.

“I’m almost in tears because I’ve just had somebody in my room whose little child was cut in half,” said Anglican Canon Andrew White of St. George’s Church.

“I baptized his child in my church in Baghdad. This little boy, they named him after me – he was called Andrew.”

According to the report, the boy was slaughtered in an attack after Kurdish forces left the village and ISIS terrorists arrived.

Tens of thousands of Christians who had fled to Qaraqosh seeking shelter were forced to flee yet again as ISIS forces invaded peshmerga-controlled regions of the country.

The deceased boy’s brother and family have now reportedly joined other Christians in fleeing to the city of Arbil, where the U.S. consulate is located and which Obama said would be protected by U.S. military through targeted airstrikes against Islamic State convoys.

White said that thanks to financial contributions that have been arriving from overseas, the Anglican church in Iraq has been able to provide basic food and supplies to the targeted religious groups who have fled from ISIS.

As Shamil Abu Madian, a Christian who fled Mosul when it fell to ISIS in June, said, many Christians have been forced to repeatedly flee from cities as they fall to Isis.

“People are living on sidewalks, in public gardens, anywhere,” Abu Madian said.

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