Over 300 Teen Thugs Walked Into This Family Fun Center And Totally Destroyed It….

Employees of a mini-golf center in Memphis endured a terrifying ordeal as over 300 angry teenagers trashed the family “fun” center in Memphis, over broken games machines.

According to reports, between 300 and 400 teenagers gathered at the Putt-Putt Fun Center, but a crowd that size violated coronavirus-related restrictions.

The company said parents just dropped off their children and left 300 to 400 teenagers at the center, causing the business to be in violation of COVID-19 social distancing rules.

The business—the Golf and Games Family Park off Summer Avenue in Memphis—then said it would close down due to overcrowding. Employees said they would not issue a refund, after which the teens began ransacking the establishment.

Videos of the incident were uploaded on social media, allegedly showing the teenagers damaging property. The video mostly focuses on an African American girl who is seen tearing apart a plexiglass divider and throwing objects over the counter.

The center said that all minors have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian from now on.

The center released a statement following the chaotic incident:

“Unfortunately, yesterday evening we had an incident that we have never experienced in 57 years of business. Parents chose to leave large groups of teenagers at our facility without their supervision. Some of those people chose to create a disturbance the likes of which we have never seen. We are very thankful that none of our Golf and Games family or customers were injured during this situation.”

The center added: “We are actively trying to identify those involved and hold them accountable for their actions. Going forward, any minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Anyone that is left unattended will be asked to leave. We have been the Memphis area’s locally owned place for family entertainment for nearly six decades. We will always welcome those who choose to share their family experiences with us. Please understand this is not a reflection of us or our park. We look forward to serving you soon.”

Watch the video below:

One teen girl in the video knocks down a plexiglass partition that fell towards the staff (who hid behind an ATM as a shield). She continued ripping down plexiglass, ripped out a computer screen, then moved on to hurling the heavy metal partitions that hold rope barriers.

Then someone set off fireworks that started a panic scene until cops showed up. One young boy was seen ripping plants out of planters and hurling them at a car parked out front.

The center was able to reopen again on Sunday, according to the report.

The Memphis Police Department said that only one juvenile summons was written for a 13-year-old boy for disorderly conduct.

Watch the video report here: WATE6/Youtube

Sources: AWM, WREG

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