Swing-voting independents are twice as likely to trust President Donald Trump’s administration than to trust the media, according to a new poll by Fox News. They needed a poll to tell...
California Democrats made a surprise move late Friday to foil President Trump’s promise to repeal ObamaCare—by introducing a stand-alone, single-payer healthcare system in California. California is the quintessential leftist state....
The much-ballyhooed “Day Without Immigrants” turned out to be a day without many protestors or any political impact, but with many Mexican flags, angry slogans, and a muted social-media response...
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials are continuing to defend themselves against the national media which continues to mischaracterize the role and intent of the round-up of criminal aliens. Did...
The Russian sanctions were bogus. Everyone knew it. They were implemented by Barack Obama to satisfy the whining crybaby Democrats who couldn’t handle that Trump won the election. If Mike...
We are finally seeing sanity coming back to some American cities. It appears that pulled federal funding is more important to liberals than their love of the illegal alien. Who...
It’s amusing to watch reporters lose it when called on the carpet for their ideological behavior. Donald Trump does this all the time and it’s apparent that they hate when...
Ann Coulter has probably been Trump’s biggest fan since the very beginning, but even she didn’t realize how great his presidency was going to be. She gives Trump high marks...
Don’t expect the Never Trumpers to admit they were wrong any time soon. I’m talking about the squishie folks who claim to be conservative and had a knee jerk reaction...
Little by little the Trump team is coming together. Today we have a new Secretary of State and I can pretty much guarantee that Rex Tillerson is not going to...
Let’s be honest here. Senator Chuck Schumer, and his ilk, are angry that the Trump administration didn’t give a verbal heads up so that he and the other phony snowflakes...
The hysteria over Trump’s executive actions should be an embarrassment to those participating on the streets, because hardly any of the rhetoric being thrown around passes the smell test. It’s...
Tim Kaine has a few screws loose. There, I said it. He is part of the progressive movement in America, which bases it’s entire goal around getting and holding onto...
Senator Warren is as progressive a Democrat as you can get, and a chief tactic of the Alinsky rules for radicals is deception to conceal your true goals and, more...
This should come as no surprise to anyone as this issue was one of the big lies the Left told about Donald Trump during the election cycle. If you remember,...
You see that? Union workers can be civil and welcoming to a Republican president. The GOP can and should capitalize on this by showing unions that they are the growth...
Democrats are now touting that they understand they lost because of their message. And they did lose due to their messaging, but it’s not what they think. Democrats think they...