Tax Seattle Politicians…Until the Hurting Stops


Slow FactsThe Seattle City Council proposed a tax on guns and ammunition.  I propose a different tax…on politicians.

Despite the fact that local gun laws are pre-empted by Washington state law, the city council says they need a gun tax due to the high social cost of guns.

I get it.  City councils across the country will tax any political minority they don’t like.  In this case the minority group is firearms owners, and for obvious reasons.  One reason is an ongoing culture war to cleanse the community of those who hold minority views.  That always makes the majority fee; more comfortable.. despite their lip service to diversity.  Cultural cleansing also makes it easier for politicians to get re-elected.

The second reason to tax honest and honorable firearms owners is even simpler to understand.  Spending tax money is how politicians get re-elected. In this case, the question isn’t why gun owners were targeted by the anti-rights city council.  No, the real question is why gun owners were not taxed and fined years ago given the skewed and anti-rights bigotry of these elected officials.

Gun control has a long history of bigotry.

Gun owners in Washington State have not lived up to their reputation.  Rather than being quick to anger, Washington gun owners have remained politically inert as the right of armed self-defense has been attacked time after time.  I hope this plan will wake up Washington State firearms owners.

I propose a citizens initiative to tax politicians.  The city council said we must tax firearms because of the harm done with a gun.  The city council ignored a bigger problem the citizens face;

nothing is as dangerous and destructive as a politician.

Politicians deserve the blame for the high unemployment rate in Seattle.  To begin, Seattle politicians passed regulations that drove companies out of business.  That drove up unemployment, particularly among minority teens.  I propose a tax on each politician, active or retired, whether they now held a paid or honorary position.

ptsurf_crimedensity_bigHigh unemployment has other pernicious effects.  Unemployment leads to high rates of addiction.  Addiction leads to broken homes.  Broken homes lead to fatherless children, gangs, and failing schools.  I propose we tax each politician and their partner to pay for the cost of addiction treatment and broken families.  I propose an additional tax on each of the politician’s children and pets to pay for Seattle’s fatherless children.

Some might claim that I’m being unfair to politicians.  I have simply pointed out the massive harm they cause to society.  With this plan, I’ve asked politicians to pay a small token of the monetary damages they have caused to society as a whole.

Supporters of the Seattle City Council could object that law abiding politicians are innocent of wrongdoing and that the innocent are being punished for the actions of other corrupt officials who broke the law.

Hmm.  If that is how you feel, then why didn’t you object when the City Council taxed honest and law abiding gun owners for the actions of Seattle criminals?

Double standard much?

About Rob Morse: By day, Rob Morse works as a mild mannered engineer for a Southern California defense contractor. By night he writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily and on his SlowFacts blog.   He is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.

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