Criminal charges have been dropped against a Nebraska man, with a Firearms Purchase Certificate, whose expensive firearms collection was seized in a case stemming from city of Lincoln ordinances which significantly impede Nebraska citizen’s 2nd Amendment Rights.
Citing a misdemeanor conviction several years ago for carrying a knife that was an eighth-inch too long, the city of Lincoln confiscated Mr. Kevin William’s personal firearms collection.
After Mr. Williams reached out to the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association, NFOA President Rod Moeller approached Second Amendment Foundation founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb and secured SAF’s assistance for the victim of these unjust Lincoln city ordinances.
“We have a solid relationship with the Second Amendment Foundation” said Rod Moeller. “When I heard about the confiscation of a guns collection because of an unjust city ordinance, I knew we had to help, and soon met with Alan Gottlieb to discuss the case”.
Sadly, this is a bittersweet win for all involved. Due to the beyond-reasonable ordinances in Lincoln that are above and beyond the State laws of Nebraska, Mr. Williams has lost his right to own any weapons within the Lincoln city limits due to this misdemeanor charge. However, while the criminal charges have been dropped and the city of Lincoln cannot retain MR. William’s property, Mr. Williams is unable to retain ownership of his collection if he continues to reside within the Lincoln city limits, and is having to sell off the collection to pay for his legal fees incurred in excess of the free legal support SAF provided..
Attorney David Sigale of Glen Allyn, Ill, took the case for SAF and expressed in SAF’s press release about the case “This wrongful prosecution should never have begun. We are pleased that Mr. Williams is out of criminal jeopardy, and that the government has relinquished its forfeiture claim on Mr. William’s constitutionally protected property. This is a reminder that the Constitution and Second Amendment apply all throughout Nebraska.”
“The support of Alan and David with the Second Amendment Foundation was instrumental in addressing Mr. William’s wrongful prosecution and we appreciate immensely the ongoing relationship between the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association and SAF. But our work does not end there. Our goal is not achieved until we end the ability of cities and municipalities to reduce or remove the 2nd Amendment rights of citizens in ways that exceed Nebraska state law.”
NFOA has recently succeeded in moving an important piece of legislation out of the Judiciary committee. LB289, introduced this year by Senator Laura Ebke of Nebraska Legislative District 32, would place consistent, state-wide, uniformity with local firearm enactments while allowing local communities to continue to enact and enforce prohibitions on firearm discharge.
“This is just one example of why state wide preemption of firearms laws is so important” said NFOA President Rod Moeller. “These overreaching ordinances with unintended consequences are the very reason we need LB289″.
LB289 bill is currently on General File and remains a priority piece of legislation for NFOA for the next legislative session.
NFOA Mission
Nebraska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA) is organized for the purpose of voicing the opinion of its membership to the Nebraska Legislature and other law making bodies within the state as well as Federal level, as it pertains to firearms. NFOA members will also make it a priority to educate residents on firearms related issues.
On the web: or email: for more information.
Rodney Moeller
President, Nebraska Firearms Owners Association
P.O. BOX 2713
Omaha, Nebraska 68127