[VIDEO] Protesters start DIGGING UP body of Confederate General and KKK leader…..

Watch the video below. The group’s leader: “If he’s gone, some of this racism and race-hate might be gone. We got a fresh shovel full, and we hope that everybody else will follow suit and dig him up.”

Is it possible to say that the Confederate flag is a decisive symbol that shouldn’t be flying over government buildings, while also thinking it’s silly and unnecessary to dig up the remains of people from the 1800s? Does that America exist any more, or do I have to choose one or the other?


A group of protesters who want the body of an alleged Ku Klux Klan leader removed from their city have broken the soil over the grave.

The campaigners claim it has taken officials in Memphis, Tennessee, too long to exhume Nathan Bedford Forrest – who was a lieutenant general in the Confederate States Army.

They also want the statue of the soldier on a horse on the burial site to be removed. The rebel cavalryman, who died in 1877, has been buried in the city’s Health Sciences Park since 1904.

Watch the video below. The group’s leader: “If he’s gone, some of this racism and race-hate might be gone. We got a fresh shovel full, and we hope that everybody else will follow suit and dig him up.”