“United States citizens can Make America Great Again,” gun rights expert John M. Snyder said today, “but it will take a lot of doing.”
“The Trump presidential campaign has adopted the words as a slogan, but the message itself affirms a necessary goal for us, the American people,” Snyder added.
Snyder said, “People generally throughout the country feel that somehow the nation has gotten off the track and that major correction is in order.
“To begin with, a solid GOP pro-American presidential-vice presidential ticket next year, strengthened with a truly principled platform, could attract scores of millions of voters absolutely disgusted with politically correct officials, whacked-out Democrats and lily-livered Republicans. The silent majority once again could be heard.”
Snyder said, “People with half a brain realize the country’s financial policies are off the wall and have to be replaced with sound ones if the nation is to survive.
More importantly, the nation, through our political and media classes and the supremely immoral Supreme Court, has thumbed its nose at Almighty God by accepting as national policy murder through abortion as well as the abomination of same-sex marriage. The USA must seek divine forgiveness and eliminate these and other collective evils. We must seek the help of and place our trust in Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Snyder reiterated, “The Trump cap message to ‘Make America Great Again‘ is more than a slogan. It’s a goal! Patriotic Republicans and Democrats realize the United States must clean up the public mess created by wretched politicians and their media supporters.
America could dump nutty fiscal policies and replace them with smart ones. America could deep-six abortion, same-sex marriage, gun control, illegal immigration and acceptance of Islamism. We could promote traditional marriage, the right to life, and the individual right to keep and bear arms for defense of life. We could put an end to illegal immigration and Islamist terror. Let’s recommit the United States to the Judaeo-Christian spiritual principles upon which our culture is based. Let’s make America great again.”
A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” by the Washington Post and New York Times, “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.
About John Snyder:
Named the Gun Dean by Human Events, “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News, a “champion of the right to self-defense” by The Washington Times, and “dean of gun lobbyists” by The Washington Post and The New York Times, John M. Snyder has spent 45 years as a proponent of the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms as a National Rifle Association editor, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, treasurer of the Second Amendment Foundation, and founder of www.GunRightsPolicies.org.
A former Jesuit seminarian, Snyder is founder/manager of Telum Associates, LL.C., founder/chairman of the St. Gabriel Possenti Society, Inc., a director of Council for America, and serves on the boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens. He is also the author of the book Gun Saint. Visit: www.GunRightsPolicies.org
Source: AmmoLand
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution