An Elmhurst woman and her mother have been charged with aggravated animal cruelty for their alleged roles in the stabbing death of a family cat Wednesday night, DuPage County prosecutors announced Thursday.  Bond was set at $125,000 each for Samantha Palermo, 21, of the 900 block of South Euclid Avenue in Elmhurst, and her mother, …

  POST FALLS, Idaho – Mother Driving drunk and racing with her five year old daughter in the car are just the beginning of the charges a Spokane Valley this mom faces in the wake of a crash in Post Falls Sunday night. The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office says Shariah Whitney, 23, was racing a friend …

A pregnant North Carolina woman vanished the morning she was supposed to deliver her baby, stumping worried family members who are frantically searching for her. [Update below]   Carrie Bradshaw-Crowther, 49, disappeared at about 5 a.m. ET Tuesday morning from her Salisbury, North Carolina, home, an hour before a scheduled C-section, said her daughter, Lauren …

In the 60’s, free love was the message of the decade. Hippies were having sex all over the place and the message was “No Strings Attached.” In the 70’s that message went a step farther and and it was all about having “Good Sex.” Still with no strings. By the 90’s we were well on …

Tonight June 13, 2015 at 10pm EST Patriot Radio will be interviewing award winning reporter Mr. Colin Flaherty on his new book: “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and Those Who Enable It“.   Tune in at 10PM EST to Patriot Radio and call in with your questions at (516) 595-8115. Link to the show:

On Thursday, KTLA-5 reported on hidden camera footage that showed some objectionable behavior from police officers during a raid on an unlicensed marijuana dispensary. The cops were recorded playing darts on the job, eating pot-laced baked goods, and even joking about assaulting a woman with an amputated leg. The footage shows that eight officers had …

First Elizabeth Warren professed her native American heritage, and Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn Jenner. It just seems there is an epidemic of people trying to be anything but what they really are. The latest trans “whatever” to enter the identity confused is, ‘NAACP Spokane Washington Branch President, Rachel Dolezal. She thinks she is black. Dolezal, who …

A much awaited and controversial vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, took place today, and possibly handed the Obama administration one of its biggest defeats to date. It also may have stirred an interesting division within the Democrat party. In a flaming defeat, the House sent the TPP packing in a vote of 126-302. If …

In a typical line of statements often made to demean a political opponent, Chris Christie has decided to make sure gun owners know democrats are the problem and not him.  Oh yes, you absolutely read that correctly.  Blame thee, not me-even though Christie is the governor and owns the pen that signs the laws. The …

There are so many perks that come with being a celebrity, but it also has negatives as well. When you’re an average person, you can pretty much do and say what you please but when you become a celebrity everything you say and do is broadcast to the entire world. Once you reach celebrity status, …

The Wall Street Journal has put together a cool split screen video comparing American Pharaoh’s Triple Crown winning Belmont race to Secretariat’s historic Belmont victory in 1973. Sports fanatics are always speculating about how current greats would have fared against those of the past. So, how would the long time reigning Triple Crown winner Secretariat fared …

The Orlando Police Department released video Tuesday of an officer kicking a suspect seated on the curb. Taken from across the street, the video shows 30-year-old suspect Noel Carterapparently cooperating with officers before being kicked into submission. The Orlando PD is investigating the incident but thus far has not put either of the officers involved …

Personal Philosophy, from a friend in the UK who has significant interest in American politics: “Show me a selfless politician, working strictly for the common good and defending our individual rights and liberties as citizens, and I will show you a saint! There are precious few! The vast majority unfailingly succumb to their own petty …

The Wednesday, June 10 2015 Wall Street Journal headline at the top of the page was “Obama Set to Expand Troops in Iraq.” We were 589 days into the two terms Barack Hussein Obama has served in the office of President of the United States and he is as clueless now as he was when …

It has been a banner year or so for race mongers. They have been able to paint police as over-zealous racist, jack-booted, white heathens, going about in the tradition of the Ku Klux Klan. This period of time will be etched in school textbooks along with all of the other lies and half-truths portraying the …

Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly will not give up until they have our guns.  Nothing seems to satisfy these insatiable gun grabbing hypocrites. They co-own the gun confiscation…oops…I mean, gun control, wait, no, they call it “gun violence” group called Americans for Responsible Solutions. ARS just spent over six figures to create a TV …